How can I display the currency only for not empty cells
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Number"
.Columns.Add("Currency").ComputedField = "len(%0) ? currency(dbl(%0)) : ''"
With .Items
.AddItem "1.23"
.AddItem "2.34"
.AddItem "0"
.ItemBackColor(.AddItem()) = RGB(255,128,128)
.AddItem "10000.99"
End With
End With
Is there a function to display the number of days between two date including the number of hours
With Grid1
.Columns.Add("Start").Width = 32
.Columns.Add "End"
.Columns.Add("Duration").ComputedField = "((1:=int(0:= (date(%1)-date(%0)))) != 0 ? (=:1 + ' day(s)') : '') + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=int(0:=((=:0 - =:1 + 1/24/60/60/2)" & _
"*24))) != 0 ? =:1 + ' hour(s) ' : '' ) + ((1:=round((=:0 - =:1)*60)) != 0 ? =:1 + ' min(s)' : '')"
With .Items
h = .AddItem(#1/11/2001#)
.CellValue(h,1) = #1/14/2001#
h = .AddItem(#2/22/2002 0:00:00 PM#)
.CellValue(h,1) = #3/14/2002 1:00:00 PM#
h = .AddItem(#3/13/2003#)
.CellValue(h,1) = #4/11/2003 11:00:00 AM#
End With
End With
Is there a function to display the number of days between two date including the number of hours
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Start"
.Columns.Add "End"
.Columns.Add("Duration").ComputedField = """D "" + int(date(%1)-date(%0)) + "" H "" + round(24*(date(%1)-date(%0) - floor(date(%1)-date(%0))))"
With .Items
h = .AddItem(#1/11/2001#)
.CellValue(h,1) = #1/14/2001 11:00:00 PM#
h = .AddItem(#2/22/2002 0:00:00 PM#)
.CellValue(h,1) = #3/14/2002 1:00:00 PM#
h = .AddItem(#3/13/2003#)
.CellValue(h,1) = #4/11/2003 11:00:00 AM#
End With
End With
How can I display the number of days between two dates
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Start"
.Columns.Add "End"
.Columns.Add("Duration").ComputedField = "(date(%1)-date(%0)) + ' days'"
With .Items
h = .AddItem(#1/11/2001#)
.CellValue(h,1) = #1/14/2001#
h = .AddItem(#2/22/2002#)
.CellValue(h,1) = #3/14/2002#
h = .AddItem(#3/13/2003#)
.CellValue(h,1) = #4/11/2003#
End With
End With
How can I get second part of the date
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Date"
.Columns.Add("Second").ComputedField = "sec(date(%0))"
With .Items
.AddItem #1/11/2001 10:10:00 AM#
.AddItem #2/22/2002 11:01:22 AM#
.AddItem #3/13/2003 0:23:01 PM#
.AddItem #4/14/2004 1:11:59 PM#
End With
End With
How can I get minute part of the date
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Date"
.Columns.Add("Minute").ComputedField = "min(date(%0))"
With .Items
.AddItem #1/11/2001 10:10:00 AM#
.AddItem #2/22/2002 11:01:00 AM#
.AddItem #3/13/2003 0:23:00 PM#
.AddItem #4/14/2004 1:11:00 PM#
End With
End With
How can I check the hour part only so I know it was afternoon
With Grid1
.ConditionalFormats.Add("hour(%0)>=12").Bold = True
.Columns.Add "Date"
.Columns.Add("Hour").ComputedField = "hour(%0)"
With .Items
.AddItem #1/11/2001 10:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #2/22/2002 11:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #3/13/2003 0:00:00 PM#
.AddItem #4/14/2004 1:00:00 PM#
End With
End With
What about a function to get the day in the week, or days since Sunday
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Date"
.Columns.Add("WeekDay").ComputedField = "weekday(%0)"
With .Items
.AddItem #1/11/2001 10:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #2/22/2002 11:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #3/13/2003 0:00:00 PM#
.AddItem #4/14/2004 1:00:00 PM#
End With
End With
Is there any function to get the day of the year or number of days since January 1st
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Date"
.Columns.Add("Day since January 1st").ComputedField = "yearday(%0)"
With .Items
.AddItem #1/11/2001 10:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #2/22/2002 11:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #3/13/2003 0:00:00 PM#
.AddItem #4/14/2004 1:00:00 PM#
End With
End With
How can I display only the day of the date
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Date"
.Columns.Add("Day").ComputedField = "day(%0)"
With .Items
.AddItem #1/11/2001 10:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #2/22/2002 11:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #3/13/2003 0:00:00 PM#
.AddItem #4/14/2004 1:00:00 PM#
End With
End With
How can I display only the month of the date
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Date"
.Columns.Add("Month").ComputedField = "month(%0)"
With .Items
.AddItem #1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #2/2/2002 11:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #3/3/2003 0:00:00 PM#
.AddItem #4/4/2004 1:00:00 PM#
End With
End With
How can I get only the year part from a date expression
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Date"
.Columns.Add("Year").ComputedField = "year(%0)"
With .Items
.AddItem #1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #2/2/2002 11:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #3/3/2003 0:00:00 PM#
.AddItem #4/4/2004 1:00:00 PM#
End With
End With
Can I convert the expression to date
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Number"
.Columns.Add("Date").ComputedField = "date(dbl(%0))"
With .Items
.AddItem "-1.98"
.AddItem "30000.99"
.AddItem "3561.23"
.AddItem "1232.34"
End With
End With
Can I convert the expression to a number, double or float
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Number"
.Columns.Add("Number + 2").ComputedField = "dbl(%0)+2"
With .Items
.AddItem "-1.98"
.AddItem "0.99"
.AddItem "1.23"
.AddItem "2.34"
End With
End With
How can I display dates in long format
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Date"
.Columns.Add("LongFormat").ComputedField = "longdate(%0)"
With .Items
.AddItem #1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #2/2/2002 11:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #3/3/2003 0:00:00 PM#
.AddItem #4/4/2004 1:00:00 PM#
End With
End With
How can I display dates in short format
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Date"
.Columns.Add("ShortFormat").ComputedField = "shortdate(%0)"
With .Items
.AddItem #1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #2/2/2002 11:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #3/3/2003 0:00:00 PM#
.AddItem #4/4/2004 1:00:00 PM#
End With
End With
How can I display the time only of a date expression
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Date"
.Columns.Add("Time").ComputedField = "'time is:' + time(date(%0))"
With .Items
.AddItem #1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #2/2/2002 11:00:00 AM#
.AddItem #3/3/2003 0:00:00 PM#
.AddItem #4/4/2004 1:00:00 PM#
End With
End With
Is there any function to display currencies, or money formatted as in the control panel
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Number"
.Columns.Add("Currency").ComputedField = "currency(dbl(%0))"
With .Items
.AddItem "1.23"
.AddItem "2.34"
.AddItem "10000.99"
End With
End With
How can I convert the expression to a string so I can look into the date string expression for month's name
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Number"
.Columns.Add("Str").ComputedField = "str(%0) + ' AA'"
With .Items
.AddItem "-1.98"
.AddItem "0.99"
.AddItem "1.23"
.AddItem "2.34"
End With
End With
Can I display the absolute value or positive part of the number
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Number"
.Columns.Add("Abs").ComputedField = "abs(%0)"
With .Items
.AddItem "-1.98"
.AddItem "0.99"
.AddItem "1.23"
.AddItem "2.34"
End With
End With
Is there any function to get largest number with no fraction part that is not greater than the value
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Number"
.Columns.Add("Floor").ComputedField = "floor(%0)"
With .Items
.AddItem "-1.98"
.AddItem "0.99"
.AddItem "1.23"
.AddItem "2.34"
End With
End With
Is there any function to round the values base on the .5 value
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Number"
.Columns.Add("Round").ComputedField = "round(%0)"
With .Items
.AddItem "-1.98"
.AddItem "0.99"
.AddItem "1.23"
.AddItem "2.34"
End With
End With
How can I get or display the integer part of the cell
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Number"
.Columns.Add("Int").ComputedField = "int(%0)"
With .Items
.AddItem "-1.98"
.AddItem "0.99"
.AddItem "1.23"
.AddItem "2.34"
End With
End With
How can I display names as proper ( first leter of the word must be in uppercase, and the rest in lowercase )
With Grid1
.Columns.Add("").FormatColumn = "proper(%0)"
With .Items
h = .AddItem("root")
.InsertItem h,,"child child"
.InsertItem h,,"child child"
.InsertItem h,,"child child"
.ExpandItem(h) = True
End With
End With
Is there any option to display cells in uppercase
With Grid1
.Columns.Add("").FormatColumn = "upper(%0)"
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
.InsertItem h,,"Chld 3"
.ExpandItem(h) = True
End With
End With
Is there any option to display cells in lowercase
With Grid1
.Columns.Add("").FormatColumn = "lower(%0)"
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
.InsertItem h,,"Chld 3"
.ExpandItem(h) = True
End With
End With
How can I display the column using currency format and enlarge the font for certain values
With Grid1
With .Columns.Add("Currency")
.Def(exCellValueFormat) = 1
.FormatColumn = "len(value) ? ((0:=dbl(value)) < 10 ? '<fgcolor=808080><font ;7>' : '<b>') + currency(=:0)"
End With
With .Items
.AddItem "1.23"
.AddItem "2.34"
.AddItem "9.94"
.AddItem "11.94"
.AddItem "1000"
End With
End With
How can I highlight only parts of the cells
With Grid1
With .Columns.Add("")
.Def(exCellValueFormat) = 1
.FormatColumn = "value replace 'hil' with '<fgcolor=FF0000><b>hil</b></fgcolor>'"
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
.InsertItem h,,"Child 3"
.ExpandItem(h) = True
End With
End With
How can I get the number of occurrences of a specified string in the cell
With Grid1
.Columns.Add ""
With .Columns.Add("occurrences")
.ComputedField = "lower(%0) count 'o'"
.FormatColumn = "'contains ' + value + ' of \'o\' chars'"
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
.InsertItem h,,"Child 1 oooof the root"
.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
.InsertItem h,,"Child 3"
.ExpandItem(h) = True
End With
End With
How can I display dates in my format
With Grid1
With .Columns.Add("Date")
.Def(exCellValueFormat) = 1
.FormatColumn = "'<b>' + year(0:=date(value)) + '</b><fgcolor=808080><font ;6> (' + month(=:0) + ' - ' + day(=:0) +')'"
End With
With .Items
.AddItem #1/21/2001#
.AddItem #2/22/2002#
.AddItem #3/13/2003#
.AddItem #4/24/2004#
End With
End With
How can I display dates in short format
With Grid1
.Columns.Add("Date").FormatColumn = "shortdate(value)"
With .Items
.AddItem #1/1/2001#
.AddItem #2/2/2002#
.AddItem #3/3/2003#
.AddItem #4/4/2004#
End With
End With
How can I display dates in long format
With Grid1
.Columns.Add("Date").FormatColumn = "longdate(value)"
With .Items
.AddItem #1/1/2001#
.AddItem #2/2/2002#
.AddItem #3/3/2003#
.AddItem #4/4/2004#
End With
End With
How can I display only the right part of the cell
With Grid1
.Columns.Add ""
With .Columns.Add("Right")
.ComputedField = "%0 right 2"
.FormatColumn = "'""' + value + '""'"
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
.InsertItem h,,"SChild 3"
.ExpandItem(h) = True
End With
End With
How can I display only the left part of the cell
With Grid1
.Columns.Add ""
.Columns.Add("Left").ComputedField = "%0 left 2"
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
.InsertItem h,,"SChild 3"
.ExpandItem(h) = True
End With
End With
How can I display true or false instead 0 and -1
With Grid1
.Columns.Add("Boolean").FormatColumn = "value != 0 ? 'true' : 'false'"
With .Items
.AddItem True
.AddItem False
.AddItem True
.AddItem 0
.AddItem 1
End With
End With
How can I save data on XML format
With Grid1
.LoadXML "http://www.exontrol.net/testing.xml"
.SaveXML "c:/temp/exgrid.xml"
End With
How can I load data on XML format
With Grid1
.LoadXML "http://www.exontrol.net/testing.xml"
End With
I have an EBN file how can I apply different colors to it, so no need to create a new one
With Grid1
.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
.SelBackColor = .BackColor
.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
.HasLines = exNoLine
.Columns.Add "Default"
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
hC = .InsertItem(h,,"Default")
.ItemBackColor(hC) = &H1000000
.ItemHeight(.InsertItem(h,,"")) = 6
hC = .InsertItem(h,,"Light Green")
.ItemBackColor(hC) = &H100ff00
.ItemHeight(.InsertItem(h,,"")) = 6
hC = .InsertItem(h,,"Dark Green")
.ItemBackColor(hC) = &H1007f00
.ItemHeight(.InsertItem(h,,"")) = 6
hC = .InsertItem(h,,"Magenta")
.ItemBackColor(hC) = &H1ff7fff
.ItemHeight(.InsertItem(h,,"")) = 6
hC = .InsertItem(h,,"Yellow")
.ItemBackColor(hC) = &H17fffff
.ItemHeight(.InsertItem(h,,"")) = 6
.ExpandItem(h) = True
End With
End With
How can I change the background color or the visual appearance using ebn for a particular column
With Grid1
.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
With .Columns
.Add "Column 1"
.Add("Column 2").Def(exHeaderBackColor) = 16777216
.Add("Column 3").Def(exHeaderBackColor) = 16777471
.Add "Column 4"
End With
End With
How can I change the foreground color for a particular column
With Grid1
With .Columns
.Add "Column 1"
.Add("Column 2").Def(exHeaderForeColor) = 8439039
.Add "Column 3"
End With
End With
How can I change the background color for a particular column
With Grid1
With .Columns
.Add "Column 1"
.Add("Column 2").Def(exHeaderBackColor) = 8439039
.Add "Column 3"
End With
End With
Does your control support RightToLeft property for RTL languages or right to left
With Grid1
.ScrollBars = exDisableBoth
.LinesAtRoot = exLinesAtRoot
With .Columns.Add("P1")
.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
.PartialCheck = True
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Root")
.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
.ExpandItem(h) = True
End With
.RightToLeft = True
End With
Is there any way to display the vertical scroll bar on the left side, as I want to align my data to the right
With Grid1
.ScrollBars = exDisableBoth
With .Columns
.Add "C1"
.Add "C2"
.Add "C3"
.Add "C4"
.Add "C5"
.Add "C6"
.Add "C7"
.Add "C8"
End With
.RightToLeft = True
End With
Can I display the cell's check box after the text
With Grid1
With .Columns.Add("Column")
.Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
.Def(exCellDrawPartsOrder) = "caption,check"
End With
With .Items
.CellHasCheckBox(.AddItem("Caption 1"),0) = True
.CellHasCheckBox(.AddItem("Caption 2"),0) = True
End With
End With
Can I change the order of the parts in the cell, as checkbox after the text, and so on
With Grid1
.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
.Columns.Add("Column").Def(exCellDrawPartsOrder) = "caption,check,icon,icons,picture"
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Text")
.CellImage(h,0) = 1
.CellHasCheckBox(h,0) = True
End With
End With
Can I have an image displayed after the text. Can I get that effect without using HTML content
With Grid1
.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
.Columns.Add("Column").Def(exCellDrawPartsOrder) = "caption,icon,check,icons,picture"
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Text")
.CellImage(h,0) = 1
End With
End With
How can I display the column's header using multiple lines
With Grid1
.HeaderHeight = 128
.HeaderSingleLine = False
.Columns.Add("This is just a column that should break the header.").Width = 32
.Columns.Add "This is just another column that should break the header."
End With
How can include the values in the inner cells in the drop down filter window
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exRowLines
.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
.Description(exFilterBarBlanks) = ""
.Description(exFilterBarNonBlanks) = ""
With .Columns.Add("Single Column")
.HTMLCaption = "Single column with <b>inner cells</b>"
.ToolTip = "Click the drop down filter button, and the filter list includes the inner cells values too."
.DisplayFilterButton = True
.DisplayFilterPattern = False
.FilterList = exIncludeInnerCells
End With
.ShowFocusRect = False
With .Items
s = .SplitCell(.AddItem("S 1.1"),0)
.CellValue(,s) = "S 1.2"
.CellHAlignment(,s) = CenterAlignment
.CellBackColor(,s) = &H1000000
.CellWidth(,s) = 84
s = .SplitCell(.AddItem("S 2.1"),0)
.CellValue(,s) = "S 2.2"
.CellHAlignment(,s) = CenterAlignment
.CellWidth(,s) = 84
s = .SplitCell(.AddItem("S 3.1"),0)
.CellValue(,s) = "S 3.2"
.CellHAlignment(,s) = CenterAlignment
.CellBackColor(,s) = &H1000000
.CellWidth(,s) = 84
End With
End With
How can I sort the value gets listed in the drop down filter window
With Grid1
.LinesAtRoot = exLinesAtRoot
.MarkSearchColumn = False
.Description(exFilterBarAll) = ""
.Description(exFilterBarBlanks) = ""
.Description(exFilterBarNonBlanks) = ""
With .Columns.Add("P1")
.DisplayFilterButton = True
.DisplayFilterPattern = False
.FilterList = exSortItemsDesc
End With
With .Columns.Add("P2")
.DisplayFilterButton = True
.DisplayFilterPattern = False
.FilterList = exSortItemsAsc
End With
With .Items
h = .AddItem("Z3")
.CellValue(h,1) = "C"
.CellValue(.InsertItem(h,,"Z1"),1) = "B"
.CellValue(.InsertItem(h,,"Z2"),1) = "A"
.ExpandItem(h) = True
End With
End With
How can I align the text/caption on the scroll bar
With Grid1
.ScrollPartCaption(exHScroll,exLowerBackPart) = "left"
.ScrollPartCaptionAlignment(exHScroll,exLowerBackPart) = LeftAlignment
.ScrollPartCaption(exHScroll,exUpperBackPart) = "right"
.ScrollPartCaptionAlignment(exHScroll,exUpperBackPart) = RightAlignment
.ColumnAutoResize = False
.Columns.Add 1
.Columns.Add 2
.Columns.Add 3
.Columns.Add 4
.Columns.Add 5
.Columns.Add 6
End With
How do I select the next row/item
With Grid1
.Columns.Add "Column"
With .Items
.AddItem "Item 1"
.AddItem "Item 2"
.AddItem "Item 3"
.SelectItem(.NextVisibleItem(.FocusItem)) = True
End With
End With
How do I enable resizing ( changing the height ) the items at runtime
With Grid1
.ItemsAllowSizing = exResizeItem
.DrawGridLines = exHLines
.ScrollBySingleLine = True
.Columns.Add "Column"
.Items.AddItem "Item 1"
With .Items
.ItemHeight(.AddItem("Item 2")) = 48
End With
.Items.AddItem "Item 3"
.Items.AddItem "Item 4"
End With
How do I enable resizing all the items at runtime
With Grid1
.ItemsAllowSizing = exResizeAllItems
.DrawGridLines = exHLines
.Columns.Add "Column"
.Items.AddItem "Item 1"
With .Items
.ItemHeight(.AddItem("Item 2")) = 48
End With
.Items.AddItem "Item 3"
End With
How can I remove the filter
With Grid1
With .Columns.Add("Column")
.DisplayFilterButton = True
.FilterType = exBlanks
End With
End With
How can I vertically display the column's caption, in the header
With Grid1
.Columns.Add("A").HeaderVertical = True
.Columns.Add("B").HeaderVertical = True
.Columns.Add("H").HeaderVertical = False
End With
When I have a column in a grid that is set to having a checkbox, and the grid's singlesel is set to false, I am able to toggle the checkboxes for a while, but lose this functionality eventually. Do you have a tip
With Grid1
.Columns.Add("Check").Def(exCellHasCheckBox) = True
.SingleSel = False
With .Items
.AddItem True
.AddItem False
.AddItem False
End With
End With
How do I arrange, format or layout the item on multiple levels or lines, as a subform
With Grid1
.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
.DrawGridLines = exRowLines
.HeaderVisible = 0
.ItemsAllowSizing = exResizeItem
.MarkSearchColumn = 0
.ScrollBySingleLine = -1
.BackColor = RGB(255,255,255)
.SelBackColor = RGB(255,255,255)
.SelForeColor = &H80000012
With .Columns
.Add ""
Set var_Column = .Add("Column")
With var_Column
.Visible = False
.Editor.EditType = EditType
End With
Set var_Column1 = .Add("Column")
With var_Column1
.Visible = False
.Editor.EditType = DropDownType
End With
Set var_Column2 = .Add("Column")
With var_Column2
.Visible = False
.Editor.EditType = DropDownType
End With
Set var_Column3 = .Add("Column")
With var_Column3
.Visible = False
With .Editor
.EditType = CheckValueType
.Option(exCheckValue2) = 1
End With
End With
Set var_Column4 = .Add("Column")
With var_Column4
.Visible = False
.Editor.EditType = DateType
End With
.Add("Column").Visible = False
Set var_Column5 = .Add("Column")
With var_Column5
.Visible = False
.Editor.EditType = DropDownType
End With
Set var_Column6 = .Add("Column")
With var_Column6
.Visible = False
.Def(exCellSingleLine) = 0
Set var_Editor = .Editor
With var_Editor
.EditType = MemoType
.ButtonWidth = 17
.Option(exDownArrow) = 0
.Option(exEndKey) = 0
.Option(exHomeKey) = 0
.Option(exLeftArrow) = 0
.Option(exMemoAutoSize) = 0
.Option(exMemoVScrollBar) = -1
.Option(exPageDownKey) = 0
.Option(exPageUpKey) = 0
.Option(exRightArrow) = 0
.Option(exUpArrow) = 0
End With
.Visible = 0
End With
.Add("Column").Visible = False
End With
With .Items
h0 = .AddItem("")
.CellValue(h0,9) = "Dismiss"
.CellFormatLevel(h0,0) = "12;"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(248,248,248)]/("" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(248,248,248)]:12,(1;"" ""[b=0]/("" ""[b=0]:1,(25;(5;"" ""[b=0]/((""Subjec" & _
"t:""[b=0]:80,(1;"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]/("" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]:1,("" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(255,0,0)]:5,1[b=0]),"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(" & _
"0,0,0)]:1)/1;"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]))/1;"" ""[b=0]))/20;(""Location:""[b=0]:80,(1;"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]/("" ""[b=0][bg=RG" & _
"B(0,0,0)]:1,2[b=0],"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]:1)/1;"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]),(("" ""[b=0]:10,""Label:""[b=0])):50,(1;"" ""[b=0][" & _
"bg=RGB(0,0,0)]/("" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]:1,3[b=0],"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]:1)/1;"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]))/50;(10;"" ""[b=0]/" & _
"(1;"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(255,0,0)]/(""Recurrence:""[b=0]:80,""Occurs every day effective 20/04/2007 from 01:00 to 01:01.""[b=0])/1;"" & _
"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(255,0,0)])/10;"" ""[b=0])/23;(4[b=0]:20,""Reminder:""[b=0]:60,(1;"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]/("" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0" & _
",0,0)]:1,5[b=0],"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]:1)/1;"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]),(("" ""[b=0]:5,6[b=0])):30,(("" ""[b=0]:10,""Show time" & _
" as:""[b=0])):90,(1;"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]/("" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]:1,7[b=0],"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]:1)/1;"" ""[b=0][bg=R" & _
"GB(0,0,0)]))/(12;"" ""[b=0]/(1;"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]/("" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]:1,8[b=0],"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]:1)/1;"" "" & _
""[b=0][bg=RGB(0,0,0)]))/35;(5;"" ""[b=0]/("" ""[b=0],"" ""[b=0],(("" ""[b=0]:40,9[b=0])))/5;"" ""[b=0])),"" ""[b=0]:1)/1;"" ""[b" & _
"=0]),"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(248,248,248)]:12)/12;"" ""[b=0][bg=RGB(248,248,248)]"
.CellHasCheckBox(h0,4) = -1
.CellHasButton(h0,9) = -1
.CellHAlignment(h0,9) = CenterAlignment
.CellVAlignment(h0,8) = exTop
.CellForeColor(h0,8) = RGB(0,0,0)
.CellHasButton(h0,6) = True
.CellValue(h0,6) = "<img>1</img>"
.CellValueFormat(h0,6) = exHTML
.CellHAlignment(h0,6) = CenterAlignment
.ItemHeight(h0) = 296
End With
End With
How do I arrange, format or layout the item on multiple levels or lines
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.MarkSearchColumn = False
.DefaultItemHeight = 34
.Columns.Add(1).Visible = False
.Columns.Add(2).Visible = False
.Columns.Add(3).Visible = False
.Columns.Add(4).Visible = False
.Columns.Add(5).Visible = False
.Columns.Add "General"
With .Items
.DefaultItem = .AddItem(0)
.CellValue(0,1) = 1
.CellValue(0,2) = 2
.CellValue(0,3) = 3
.CellValue(0,4) = 4
.CellFormatLevel(.DefaultItem,5) = "0,1,2/3,4"
.DefaultItem = .AddItem(5)
.CellValue(0,1) = 6
.CellValue(0,2) = 7
.CellValue(0,3) = 8
.CellValue(0,4) = 9
.CellFormatLevel(.DefaultItem,5) = "3,4/0,1,2"
End With
End With
How do I arrange, format or layout the column's header on multiple levels or lines
With Grid1
.Columns.Add(1).Visible = False
.Columns.Add(2).Visible = False
.Columns.Add(3).Visible = False
.Columns.Add(4).Visible = False
.Columns.Add(5).Visible = False
.HeaderHeight = 32
.Columns.Add("General").FormatLevel = "0,1,2/3,4"
End With
How do I arrange, format or layout the item on multiple levels or lines
With Grid1
.MarkSearchColumn = False
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.DefaultItemHeight = 53
.Columns.Add("EmployeeID").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("LastName").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("FirstName").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Handler").Visible = False
Set var_Column = .Columns.Add("Title")
With var_Column
.Visible = False
.DisplayFilterButton = -1
End With
Set var_Column1 = .Columns.Add("TitleOfCourtesy")
With var_Column1
.Visible = False
.DisplayFilterButton = -1
End With
.Columns.Add("BirthDate").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("HideDate").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Address").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("City").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Region").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("PostCode").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Country").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("HomePage").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Extension").Visible = False
Set var_Column2 = .Columns.Add("Photo")
With var_Column2
.Visible = False
With .Editor
.DropDownVisible = 0
.EditType = PictureType
.Option(exShowPictureType) = 0
End With
End With
.Columns.Add("Notes").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("ReportsTo").Visible = False
With .Columns.Add("Personal Info")
.Def(exCellFormatLevel) = "15:54,(2/1/4)"
.FormatLevel = "18;18/(15:54,(2/1/4))"
.Width = 196
End With
With .Columns.Add("General Info")
.Def(exCellFormatLevel) = "(8/18;5):128,((((13/11/12),(6/7/10)),16))"
.FormatLevel = "18;19/((8/18;5):128,((((13/11/12),(6/7/10)),16)))"
.Width = 512
End With
With .Items
h0 = .AddItem(1)
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Davolio"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "Nancy"
.CellValue(h0,3) = 0
.CellValue(h0,4) = "Sales Representative"
.CellValue(h0,5) = "Ms."
.CellValue(h0,6) = "12/8/1948"
.CellValue(h0,7) = "5/1/1992"
.CellValue(h0,8) = "507-20th Ave. \r\nE.Apt. 2A"
.CellValue(h0,9) = "Seattle"
.CellValue(h0,10) = "WA"
.CellValue(h0,11) = "98122"
.CellValue(h0,12) = "USA"
.CellValue(h0,13) = "(206) 555-9857"
.CellValue(h0,14) = "5467"
.CellValue(h0,15) = Grid1.ExecuteTemplate("loadpicture(`c:\exontrol\images\sample.bmp`)")
.CellValue(h0,16) = "Education includes a BA in psychology from Colorado State University in 1970. She also completed ""The Art of the Cold Call.""" & _
" Nancy is a member of ToastmastersInternational."
.CellValue(h0,17) = 2
End With
.PutItems .GetItems(0)
With .Items
.CellFormatLevel(.FocusItem,"General Info") = "15,10,4"
.CellFormatLevel(.FocusItem,"Personal Info") = "1/2"
End With
End With
How do I arrange, format or layout the data on multiple levels or lines
With Grid1
.MarkSearchColumn = False
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.DefaultItemHeight = 53
.Columns.Add("EmployeeID").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("LastName").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("FirstName").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Handler").Visible = False
Set var_Column = .Columns.Add("Title")
With var_Column
.Visible = False
.DisplayFilterButton = -1
End With
Set var_Column1 = .Columns.Add("TitleOfCourtesy")
With var_Column1
.Visible = False
.DisplayFilterButton = -1
End With
.Columns.Add("BirthDate").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("HideDate").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Address").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("City").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Region").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("PostCode").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Country").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("HomePage").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Extension").Visible = False
Set var_Column2 = .Columns.Add("Photo")
With var_Column2
.Visible = False
With .Editor
.DropDownVisible = 0
.EditType = PictureType
.Option(exShowPictureType) = 0
End With
End With
.Columns.Add("Notes").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("ReportsTo").Visible = False
With .Columns.Add("Personal Info")
.Def(exCellFormatLevel) = "15:54,(2/1/4)"
.FormatLevel = "18;18/(15:54,(2/1/4))"
.Width = 196
End With
With .Columns.Add("General Info")
.Def(exCellFormatLevel) = "(8/18;5):128,((((13/11/12),(6/7/10)),16))"
.FormatLevel = "18;19/((8/18;5):128,((((13/11/12),(6/7/10)),16)))"
.Width = 512
End With
With .Items
h0 = .AddItem(1)
.CellValue(h0,1) = "Davolio"
.CellValue(h0,2) = "Nancy"
.CellValue(h0,3) = 0
.CellValue(h0,4) = "Sales Representative"
.CellValue(h0,5) = "Ms."
.CellValue(h0,6) = "12/8/1948"
.CellValue(h0,7) = "5/1/1992"
.CellValue(h0,8) = "507-20th Ave. \r\nE.Apt. 2A"
.CellValue(h0,9) = "Seattle"
.CellValue(h0,10) = "WA"
.CellValue(h0,11) = "98122"
.CellValue(h0,12) = "USA"
.CellValue(h0,13) = "(206) 555-9857"
.CellValue(h0,14) = "5467"
.CellValue(h0,15) = Grid1.ExecuteTemplate("loadpicture(`c:\exontrol\images\sample.bmp`)")
.CellValue(h0,16) = "Education includes a BA in psychology from Colorado State University in 1970. She also completed ""The Art of the Cold Call.""" & _
" Nancy is a member of ToastmastersInternational."
.CellValue(h0,17) = 2
End With
.PutItems .GetItems(0)
.PutItems .GetItems(0)
.PutItems .GetItems(0)
End With
How do I arrange, format or layout the column's data on multiple levels or lines
With Grid1
.MarkSearchColumn = False
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.DefaultItemHeight = 68
.Columns.Add("EmployeeID").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("LastName").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("FirstName").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Handler").Visible = False
Set var_Column = .Columns.Add("Title")
With var_Column
.Visible = False
.DisplayFilterButton = -1
End With
Set var_Column1 = .Columns.Add("TitleOfCourtesy")
With var_Column1
.Visible = False
.DisplayFilterButton = -1
End With
.Columns.Add("BirthDate").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("HideDate").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Address").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("City").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Region").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("PostCode").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Country").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("HomePage").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Extension").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Photo").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Notes").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("ReportsTo").Visible = False
With .Columns.Add("Personal Info")
.Def(exCellFormatLevel) = "18;18/(15:54,(2/1/4))"
.FormatLevel = "18;18/(15:54,(2/1/4))"
.Width = 196
End With
With .Columns.Add("General Info")
.Def(exCellFormatLevel) = "18;19/((8/18;5):128,((((13/11/12),(6/7/10)),16)))"
.FormatLevel = "18;19/((8/18;5):128,((((13/11/12),(6/7/10)),16)))"
.Width = 512
End With
.Items.AddItem ""
.Items.AddItem ""
.Items.AddItem ""
.Items.AddItem ""
End With
How do I arrange, format or layout the column's header on multiple levels or lines
With Grid1
.Columns.Add("EmployeeID").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("LastName").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("FirstName").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Handler").Visible = False
With .Columns.Add("Title")
.Visible = False
.DisplayFilterButton = -1
End With
With .Columns.Add("TitleOfCourtesy")
.Visible = False
.DisplayFilterButton = -1
End With
.Columns.Add("BirthDate").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("HideDate").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Address").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("City").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Region").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("PostCode").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Country").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("HomePage").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Extension").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Photo").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("Notes").Visible = False
.Columns.Add("ReportsTo").Visible = False
With .Columns.Add("Personal Info")
.FormatLevel = "18;18/(15:54,(2/1/4))"
.Width = 196
End With
With .Columns.Add("General Info")
.FormatLevel = "18;19/((8/18;5):128,((((13/11/12),(6/7/10)),16)))"
.Width = 512
End With
End With
How can I select a cells like in excel
With Grid1
.MarkSearchColumn = False
.SingleSel = False
.FullRowSelect = exRectSel
.Columns.Add("Column1").Selected = True
.Columns.Add "Column2"
.Columns.Add("Column3").Selected = True
With .Items
.DefaultItem = .AddItem(0)
.CellValue(0,1) = 1
.CellValue(0,2) = 2
.DefaultItem = .AddItem(3)
.CellValue(0,1) = 4
.CellValue(0,2) = 5
.DefaultItem = .AddItem(6)
.CellValue(0,1) = 7
.CellValue(0,2) = 8
End With
End With
How can I select a multiple column
With Grid1
.MarkSearchColumn = False
.SingleSel = False
.FullRowSelect = exRectSel
.Columns.Add("Column1").Selected = True
.Columns.Add "Column2"
.Columns.Add("Column3").Selected = True
With .Items
.DefaultItem = .AddItem(0)
.CellValue(0,1) = 1
.CellValue(0,2) = 2
.DefaultItem = .AddItem(3)
.CellValue(0,1) = 4
.CellValue(0,2) = 5
.DefaultItem = .AddItem(6)
.CellValue(0,1) = 7
.CellValue(0,2) = 8
End With
End With
How can I select a column
With Grid1
.MarkSearchColumn = False
.SingleSel = False
.FullRowSelect = exRectSel
.Columns.Add("Column1").Selected = True
.Columns.Add "Column2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("One"),1) = "One"
End With
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Two"),1) = "Two"
End With
End With
How can I collapse all cards
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 64
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Expanded"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
End With
End With
How can I expand all cards
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 64
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Expanded"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
End With
End With
How can I expand or collapse a card
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 64
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Expanded"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
End With
End With
How can I format or arrange the data being displayed in the card
With Grid1
.HasButtons = exNoButtons
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ItemsAllowSizing = exResizeItem
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewTitleFormat) = "(""Title:"",0),1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = ""
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewWidth) = 164
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 18
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
End With
End With
How can I format or arrange the data being displayed in the card
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ItemsAllowSizing = exResizeItem
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "(""ABC"",2)/(0,3,""DEFGH"")/1/0/1/0/1/1,0[bg=RGB(230,230,230)][fg=RGB(255,0,0)"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewTitleFormat) = ""
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
End With
End With
How can I hide the tilte for the cards
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ItemsAllowSizing = exResizeItem
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "0/1/0/1/0/1/0/1,0"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewTitleFormat) = ""
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
End With
End With
How can I display resizing lines between cards
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ItemsAllowSizing = exResizeItem
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewVResizeLine) = True
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHResizeLine) = True
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewBorderWidth) = 8
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewBorderHeight) = 8
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
End With
End With
How can edit the text in the card
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 64
.Columns.Add("Column 1").Editor.EditType = EditType
.Columns.Add("Column 2").Editor.EditType = EditType
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
End With
End With
How can I change the height of the card
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 64
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
End With
End With
How can I display the cards from top to bottom
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewLeftToRight) = False
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
End With
End With
How do I change the background color for a specified card
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
.ItemForeColor(.FocusItem) = RGB(255,0,0)
End With
End With
How do I change the visual aspect for a specified card
With Grid1
.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
.ItemBackColor(.FocusItem) = &H1000000
End With
End With
How do I change the background color for a specified card
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
.ItemBackColor(.FocusItem) = RGB(255,0,0)
End With
End With
Is there any way to specify the foreground color for the title of the cards
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewTitleForeColor) = 255
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
End With
End With
Is there any way to specify the foreground color for all cards, including its title
With Grid1
.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
End With
End With
How can I change the visual appearance for all cards, including the title
With Grid1
.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
.VisualAppearance.Add 2,"c:\exontrol\images\pushed.ebn"
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewBackColor) = 16777216
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewTitleBackColor) = 33554432
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
End With
End With
Is there any way to specify the background color for all cards, including its title
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewBackColor) = 255
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewTitleBackColor) = 128
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
End With
End With
Is there any way to specify the background color for all cards
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewBackColor) = 255
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
End With
End With
How can I specify the distance between cards
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewBorderWidth) = 16
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewBorderHeight) = 16
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
End With
End With
How can I resize the cards at runtime
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ItemsAllowSizing = exResizeItem
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewVResizeLine) = True
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHResizeLine) = True
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewBorderWidth) = 8
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewBorderHeight) = 8
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
.ExpandCard(.FocusItem) = True
End With
End With
How can show the grid lines for my cards
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
End With
End With
How can I hide the +/- expanding / collapsing buttons in the cards
With Grid1
.ExpandOnDblClick = False
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
End With
End With
How can I hide the +/- expanding / collapsing buttons in the cards
With Grid1
.HasButtons = exNoButtons
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
End With
End With
Is there any way to to specify the number of cards being displayed from letf to right
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewColumns) = 3
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
End With
End With
Is there any way to to specify the width of the cards, so they fit the control's client area
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewWidth) = 0
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewColumns) = 2
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
End With
End With
Is there any way to to specify the width of the cards, so they fit the control's client area
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewWidth) = 0
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
End With
End With
Is there any way to to specify the width of the cards
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewWidth) = 64
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
End With
End With
Is there any way to indent the control's data relative to the borders or the frame of the control
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.HeaderVisible = False
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exBorderWidth) = 8
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exBorderHeight) = 8
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
End With
End With
Is there any way to indent the control's data relative to the borders or the frame of the control
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.ViewMode = exTableView
.ViewModeOption(exTableView,exBorderWidth) = 8
.ViewModeOption(exTableView,exBorderHeight) = 8
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 1"),1) = "Item 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 2"),1) = "Item 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 3"),1) = "Item 1.3"
End With
End With
How can I display my rows or items as a table
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.ViewMode = exTableView
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 1"),1) = "Item 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 2"),1) = "Item 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Item 3"),1) = "Item 1.3"
End With
End With
How can I display my rows as cards
With Grid1
.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
.ViewMode = exCardView
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewFormat) = "1"
.ViewModeOption(exCardView,exCardViewHeight) = 36
.Columns.Add "Column 1"
.Columns.Add "Column 2"
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 1"),1) = "Card 1.1"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 2"),1) = "Card 1.2"
.CellValue(.AddItem("Card 3"),1) = "Card 1.3"
End With
End With
How can I avoid focusing a new cell, when user presses an arrow, page, home or end key, while the editor is opened
With Grid1
.DefaultEditorOption(exLeftArrow) = 0
.DefaultEditorOption(exRightArrow) = 0
.DefaultEditorOption(exUpArrow) = 0
.DefaultEditorOption(exDownArrow) = 0
.DefaultEditorOption(exHomeKey) = 0
.DefaultEditorOption(exEndKey) = 0
.DefaultEditorOption(exPageUpKey) = 0
.DefaultEditorOption(exPageDownKey) = 0
.Columns.Add("Edit").Editor.EditType = EditType
.Columns.Add("Edit").Editor.EditType = EditType
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem(0),1) = 1
End With
With .Items
.CellValue(.AddItem(2),1) = 3
End With
End With
How can I expand predefined items in a drop down list editor as I type
With Grid1
.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
With .Columns.Add("DropDown")
.Def(exCellValueFormat) = 1
With .Editor
.Option(exExpandOnSearch) = True
.EditType = DropDownListType
.DropDownAutoWidth = exDropDownEditorWidth
.AddItem 1,"<b>CObject</b> class",1
.InsertItem 2,"<b>CCmdTarget</b> class",2,1
.InsertItem 3,"<b>CWnd</b> class",3,2
.InsertItem 6,"<bgcolor=10A0E0><fgcolor=F0F0F0>S y n c</fgcolor>",1,1
.AddItem 4,"Exceptions",1
.InsertItem 7,"<b>System</b> Exceptions",2,4
.AddItem 5,"File Services",2
End With
End With
With .Items
.AddItem 1
.AddItem 2
End With
End With
How can I add an extra button to a date picker editor
With Grid1
.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
.DefaultItemHeight = 20
With .Columns.Add("Date").Editor
.EditType = DateType
.AddButton "B1",2,1,"This is a bit of text that's shown when the cursor hovers the button B1"
.ButtonWidth = 20
End With
With .Items
.AddItem 0
.AddItem 1
End With
End With